6/2/23 Newsletter
6/5 - Katz PreK - 1st Grade Field Day
6/5 - Academy Sports Banquet, 6:00pm
6/6 - Katz 2nd - 4th Grade Field Day
6/7 - Pride 4th Grade States Project
6/7 - Katz Kinder ABC Picnic
6/8 - Pride Kinder & 1st Grade Field Day
6/8 - Katz 4th Grade States Project
6/8 - Academy Awards Ceremony, 6:00pm
6/9 - Katz 3rd Grade Living Biography Day
6/9 - Katz College Awareness Parade
6/9 - Katz 1st Grade Dino Dig
6/9 - Pride 2nd - 4th Grade Field Day
6/9 - Academy Senior Baccalaureate Ceremony, 6:00pm
6/10 - We Are Charter 5K
6/12 - Academy Senior Graduation , 6:00pm
6/12 - Katz 2nd Grade End of the Year Project
6/13 - Promise 8th Grade Graduation 6:30pm
6/13 - Pride 4th Grade Breakfast, 10:00am
6/13 - Katz PreK Ice Cream Social
6/14 - Pride Kinder Grad Ceremony, 10:00am
6/14 - Katz 4th Grade Breakfast Ceremony
6/14 - Katz Kindergarten Graduation
6/15 - Last Day of School!
Breakfast, Katz Pre-K, Katz, Pride, Promise, Academy, Academy Parkside
Saturday, June 10, 2023 is the new date for the We Are Charter 5K Race, 1M Family Fun Walk & Spring into Wellness Health Fair. If you haven't signed up yet, there's still time! Click here to sign up! If you signed up, but cannot attend on June 10th, please reach out to Audrey at aangeloni@camdencsn.org.
El sábado 10 de junio de 2023 es la nueva fecha para la carrera We Are Charter 5K, 1M Family Fun Walk y Spring into Wellness Health Fair. Si aún no te has apuntado, ¡todavía estás a tiempo! ¡Haga clic aquí para registrarte! Si se inscribió, pero no puede asistir el 10 de junio, comuníquese con Audrey en aangeloni@camdencsn.org.
The end of the year is almost here! Graduating seniors must be present for the Baccalaureate Exercise and Graduation Ceremony. The Baccalaureate is on June 9th at 6:00pm at St. Joseph’s Procathedral Church, 2907 Federal St, Camden. Students should arrive by 5:15pm and do not need to wear their caps at this event.
The senior graduation ceremony is on Monday, June 12th at 6:00pm at the Rosedale Field, 3098 Pleasant St. Camden NJ 08105. Seniors should arrive by 5:15pm in cap and gown. No heels or balloons are permitted on the Rosedale Field.
The 8th Grade graduation ceremony is on Tuesday, June 13th at 6:30pm at the Rosedale Field, 3098 Pleasant St. Camden NJ 08105. Students should arrive by 6:00pm in cap and gown. No heels or balloons are permitted on the Rosedale Field. Please reach out to the 8th grade team leaders if you have any questions.
¡El final del año ya casi está aquí! Los estudiantes de último año que se gradúen deben estar presentes para el Ejercicio de Bachillerato y la Ceremonia de Graduación. El bachillerato es el 9 de junio a las 6:00pm en St. Joseph's Concathedral Church, 2907 Federal St, Camden. Los estudiantes deben llegar a las 5:15pm y no es necesario que usen sus gorras en este evento.
La ceremonia de graduación del último año es el lunes 12 de junio a las 6:00pm en Rosedale Field, 3098 Pleasant St. Camden NJ 08105. Los estudiantes del último año deben llegar a las 5:15pm con toga y birrete. No se permiten tacones ni globos en el Rosedale Field.
La ceremonia de graduación de octavo grado es el martes 13 de junio a las 6:30pm en Rosedale Field, 3098 Pleasant St. Camden NJ 08105. Los estudiantes deben llegar a las 6:00pm con toga y birrete. No se permiten tacones ni globos en el Rosedale Field. Comuníquese con los líderes del equipo de octavo grado si tiene alguna pregunta.
CCSN is hiring teachers, substitutes, bus drivers, social workers and more! Visit our website to learn about working at our schools and see all open positions!
¡CCSN está contratando maestros, sustitutos, conductores de autobuses, trabajadores sociales y más! ¡Visite nuestro sitio web para obtener información sobre cómo trabajar en nuestras escuelas y ver todos los puestos vacantes!