Nurses & Contact Information
Nursing Managers
Dr. H. Shaw x319 & Ms. C. Hahn x401
Head Nurse
N. Cuevas BSN, RN, CSN-NJ (E/S) x404
(E/S) - English/Spanish | (E/V) - English/Vietnamese

897 N 31St Camden, NJ 08105
Nurse N.Cuevas BSN,RN, CSN-NJ (E/S)
& Ms. S.Carrion, CCMA (E/S)

3098 Pleasant St. Camden, NJ 08105
Nurse N.Delgado BSN,RN, CSN-NJ (E/S)
& Ms. L.Salcedo, CCMA (E/S)
Fax 856-903-3277

879 Beideman Ave. Camden, NJ 08105
Nurse C.Weinert BSN, RN, CSN-NJ
& Nurse W.Gonzalez BSN, RN (E/S)

250 Federal St. Camden, NJ 08103
Nurse T.Young LPN & Ms. J.Hernandez, CMA (E/S)
Fax 856-903-3276

ECO - College NOW
Student Medical Requirements
1. New Students
2. Vaccinations required by New Jersey
Pre K - https://www.nj.gov/health/cd/documents/imm_requirements/cc_preschool_requirements_parents.pdf
FLU SHOT ARE REQUIRED for all Pre-K students and documentation MUST be in by Dec 22
K-12 Grade - https://www.nj.gov/health/cd/documents/imm_requirements/k12_parents.pdf
MANDATORY FOR 6th graders (age 11) MUST receive their Meningitis and Tetanus Vaccination this year.
3. Over the Counter (OTC) Permission Slip to be printed, filled out, and turned in so your child can receive Ibuprofen (Motrin) or Acetaminophen (Tylenol). (NOT FOR PRE-K)
5. Sport Physical for students in 6th -12th grade participating in school sports.
7. Food Allergy & Anaphylaxis Emergency Plan
8. Medication Orders must be renewed yearly by Doctor. (All medications that your child receives in school must be brought in by a Parent / Guardian).
Additional Health Information:
Health Clinic Information: Clinic Information 1 & Clinic Information 2