When he grows up, Anthony wants to be a paleontologist. While we're learning virtually, he's found some extra time to practice!
almost 5 years ago, Mariel Snell
Dr. Anthony, Paleontologist
Dr. Anthony, Paleontologist
Dr. Anthony, Paleontologist
Dr. Anthony, Paleontologist
Oscar and Ms. Mazz's hand shakes of Hello
almost 5 years ago, Ms. Mazz
Oscar and Ms. Mazz's fun handshake.
Another day down of Kindergarten Virtual Learning. Check out what K-2 was up to today!
almost 5 years ago, Mariel Snell
Working hard in Kindergarten!
Working hard in Kindergarten!
Another day down of Kindergarten Virtual Learning. Check out what K-2 was up to today!
almost 5 years ago, Mariel Snell
Working hard on Kindergarten Virtual Learning
Working hard on Kindergarten Virtual Learning
Working hard on Kindergarten Virtual Learning
Kinder & 1st working hard on guided drawings
almost 5 years ago, Robert Kelleher
K-2 is rocking some awesome pjs & working hard on their virtual learning!
almost 5 years ago, Mariel Snell
K-2 having fun in their PJs and working hard on their virtual learning!
K-2 having fun in their PJs and working hard on their virtual learning!
K-2 having fun in their PJs and working hard on their virtual learning!
K-2 having fun in their PJs and working hard on their virtual learning!
First Grade is going strong with their virtual learning!
almost 5 years ago, Kate Cassidy
Virtual learning!
Virtual learning!
Virtual learning!
Virtual learning!
First Grade is going strong with their virtual learning!
almost 5 years ago, Kate Cassidy
Virtual learning!
  Virtual learning!
Virtual learning!
Color wheel by Jacob
almost 5 years ago, Robert Kelleher
Jadalys and Caleb create color wheel art at home
almost 5 years ago, Robert Kelleher
Jadalys & Caleb
Jadalys & Caleb
2-3 is off to an AMAZING start with virtual learning!
almost 5 years ago, Brittany Pannell
2-3 is off to an AMAZING start with virtual learning!
almost 5 years ago, Brittany Pannell
2-3 is off to an AMAZING start with virtual learning!
almost 5 years ago, Brittany Pannell
Dr. Diaz in 2-2 working hard on superhero day!! 👩‍⚕️👩‍⚕️👩‍⚕️
almost 5 years ago, Lauren Mitchell
Bella & Brayden make art with pattern
almost 5 years ago, Robert Kelleher
Bella & Brayden
Anthony makes shape drawings
almost 5 years ago, Robert Kelleher
Kayla in 3-2, is saluting Teachers as her super hero spirit day dress up day
almost 5 years ago, Leslie Bryant
Kayla salutes Teachers on our hero day
Luis in 3-2 , dressing as a cashier in our Homeschool spirit week
almost 5 years ago, Leslie Bryant
Say hello to cashier Luis, our super hero
Michael in 3-2, Bryant's Scholars is celebrating Spirit Week: Super Hero Day. We are greatful for our retail workers during this day
almost 5 years ago, Leslie Bryant
Michael in 3-2, Bryant's Scholars is celebrating Spirit Week: Super Hero Day. We are greatful for our retail workers during this day
2-2 friends are working hard during our online learning instruction. So proud of you guys!!! 📚✏🍎😁
almost 5 years ago, Lauren Mitchell