When he grows up, Anthony wants to be a paleontologist. While we're learning virtually, he's found some extra time to practice!

Oscar and Ms. Mazz's hand shakes of Hello

Another day down of Kindergarten Virtual Learning. Check out what K-2 was up to today!

Another day down of Kindergarten Virtual Learning. Check out what K-2 was up to today!

Kinder & 1st working hard on guided drawings

K-2 is rocking some awesome pjs & working hard on their virtual learning!

First Grade is going strong with their virtual learning!

First Grade is going strong with their virtual learning!

Color wheel by Jacob

Jadalys and Caleb create color wheel art at home

2-3 is off to an AMAZING start with virtual learning!

2-3 is off to an AMAZING start with virtual learning!

2-3 is off to an AMAZING start with virtual learning!

Dr. Diaz in 2-2 working hard on superhero day!! 👩⚕️👩⚕️👩⚕️

Bella & Brayden make art with pattern

Anthony makes shape drawings

Kayla in 3-2, is saluting Teachers as her super hero spirit day dress up day

Luis in 3-2 , dressing as a cashier in our Homeschool spirit week

Michael in 3-2, Bryant's Scholars is celebrating Spirit Week: Super Hero Day. We are greatful for our retail workers during this day

2-2 friends are working hard during our online learning instruction. So proud of you guys!!! 📚✏🍎😁