Welcome to the Student Health Link
Christie Weinert BSN, RN, CSN-NJ – Extension 143 – Camden’s Promise Nurse Cweinert@camdencsn.org
Channing Jones, LPN – Extension 302 – PAC Building Nurse Cjones@camdencsn.org
Nazalia Cuevas BSN, RN, CSN-NJ – Extension 404 – Camden’s Pride Nurse (Bilingual) NCuevas@camdencsn.org
Nancy Delgado BSN, RN, CSN-NJ – Extension 808 – KATZ-Dalsey Nurse (Bilingual) NDelgado@camdencsn.org
Tameka Young, LPN – Extension 557 – Camden’s Academy Nurse TYoung@camdencsn.org
Lisa Matthews BSN, RN – LMatthews@camdencsn.org
Medical Requirements
1. New Students
- Health Physical
- Vaccinations Sheet
- Asthma Treatment Plan, Food Allergy & Anaphylaxis Emergency Care Plan (if needed).
2. Vaccinations required by New Jersey
- Pre K - https://www.nj.gov/health/cd/documents/imm_requirements/cc_preschool_requirements_parents.pdf
- FLU SHOT ARE REQUIRED for all Pre-K students and documentation MUST be in by Dec 22
- K-12 Grade - https://www.nj.gov/health/cd/documents/imm_requirements/k12_parents.pdf
- MANDATORY FOR 6th graders (age 11) MUST receive their Meningitis and Tetanus Vaccination this year.
3. Over the Counter (OTC) Permission Slip to be printed, filled out, and turned in so your child can receive Ibuprofen (Motrin) or Acetaminophen (Tylenol). (NOT FOR PRE-K)
5. Sport Physical for students in 6th -12th grade participating in school sports.
7. Food Allergy & Anaphylaxis Emergency Plan
8. Medication Orders must be renewed yearly by Doctor. (All medications that your child receives in school must be brought in by a Parent / Guardian).
Thank you and Welcome to Camden’s Promise Charter School
Bienvenido al Enlace de Salud del Estudiante
Christie Weinert BSN, RN, CSN-NJ – Extension 143 – Camden’s Promise Nurse Cweinert@camdencsn.org
Channing Jones, LPN – Extension 302 – PAC Building Nurse Cjones@camdencsn.org
Nazalia Cuevas BSN, RN, CSN-NJ – Extension 404 – Camden’s Pride Nurse (Bilingual) NCuevas@camdencsn.org
Nancy Delgado BSN, RN, CSN-NJ – Extension 808 – KATZ-Dalsey Nurse (Bilingual) NDelgado@camdencsn.org
Tameka Young, LPN – Extension 557 – Camden’s Academy Nurse TYoung@camdencsn.org
Lisa Matthews BSN, RN – LMatthews@camdencsn.org
Requerimientos medicos
1. Nuevos Estudiantes
- Salud fisica
- Papel de vacunas
- Plan de tratamiento del asma, plan de atención de emergncia para alimentarias y anafilaxia (si es necesario).
2. Vacunas requeridas por New Jersey
- Pre k - https://www.nj.gov/health/cd/documents/imm_requirements/cc_preschool_requirements_parents.pdf
- SE REQUIEREN VACUNAS CONTRA LA GRIPE para todos los estudiantes de Pre-K y la documentación DEBE estar antes del 22 de Diciembre
- K-12 grade - https://www.nj.gov/health/cd/documents/imm_requirements/k12_parents.pdf
- OBLIGATORIO PARA LOS ALUMNOS DE 6º GRADO (11 años) DEBE recibir su vacuna contra la meningitis y el tétanos este año
3. Por favor de imprimir el permiso sobre las medicina que no requiren resetas. Completar y entregar para que sue hijo pueda recibir Motrin o Tylenol. (NO PARA PRE-K)
4. Salud Física
5. Físico deportivo para estudiantes de 6º a 12º grado que participan en deportes escolare
6. Plan de tratamiento del asma
7. Alergia alimentaria y plan de emergencia de anafilaxia
8. Las órdenes de medicación deben ser renovadas anualmente por el médico. (Todos los medicamentos que su hijo recibe en la escuela deben ser traídos por un Padre / Tutor)